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#1 Money Hack: Be Careful Who You Marry

#1 money hack

As women become more independent, men are becoming less economically attractive. My number one money hack is to be careful who you marry. Here’s why…

According to this article, marriage is declining because men are becoming less economically attractive.

Who would want to bring home the bacon AND cook it!?

My Number One Money Hack: Be Careful Who You Marry!

I had my first serious relationship when I was 18 years old. I had just started college. My boyfriend at the time wanted to be a firefighter paramedic. It was wonderful. We were both working part-time and going to school full-time. He was my best friend, and we had a ton of fun together.

Until we didn’t.

I have always been good in school, and I enjoy it! He, on the other hand, wasn’t the best student. One day I came home after a hard day at school where my abilities were stretched. I was worried about the grade I had received on a test (not to mention that I had a huge scholarship riding on maintaining a high GPA). Luckily, when I checked my grade, I had received an A. My hours of studying and hard work had paid off, and I wasn’t going to lose my scholarship!

Obviously, that made me happy and excited. So I shared the good news with my boyfriend. That’s when he said, “Uh, are you in first grade? Go tell your parents.”

Excuse me?!

I was livid because I thought we were a team. I thought my success was his success and vice versa.

Instead, I realized that he didn’t support me or care about my success. I realized his ego was fragile. It was a major red flag.

That wasn’t the only time something like that happened. We stayed together a bit longer, but my gut knew that it wasn’t going to work out in the long run.

Coming ‘This’ Close to Domestic Violence

One day he got so mad at me that he punched a wall next to my face. I should’ve noticed the signs before it got to that point, but that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

I broke it off, but it was hard. He was my best friend. My whole life revolved around him at that time, and many of my friendships had suffered.

Later, I found out that he was struggling in his program. He eventually dropped out and picked a different career path. I could understand how it would be difficult when someone is succeeding and when you feel like you’re drowning. But he should’ve discussed what was happening with me instead of taking it out on me.

Regardless, for better or worse, dating him taught me that I needed a man that was just as ambitious, if not more ambitious, than I was. If male egos are so fragile, then I needed to find a man with no ego OR find a man that is confident and ambitious so that my excitement about my wins wouldn’t push him away.

I’m happy to say that I found that man and we’ve been together for over 10 years!

If you Marry for Money…

My mom once told me, “If you marry for money, you’ll earn every penny.”

However, I believe it’s also true that “It’s just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as it is to fall in love with a poor man.”

At the end of the day, I think relationships are about compatibility and future potential. You must be equally “yolked” both now and in the future if you want your relationship to last.

The Moral of This Story

For me, the moral of this story is that you have to be careful who you marry. If not only for your happiness, and future potential, be careful who you marry because divorce is expensive!

What do you think? Should money and finance be considered when it comes to relationships and marriage? What about ambition and future potential?

Learn More: How to Get Rich in 2 Simple Steps




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